VMAP - A new Interface Standard for Integrated Virtual Material Modelling in Manufacturing Industry

In order to enhance interoperability between different simulation process steps as well as between different Finite Element solvers being used along the simulation process chain, this ITEA 3 project aims for the definition of a standardized simulation result data storage and exchange format to simplify the data exchange, transfer and interpretation. This will significantly reduce the amount of additional scripting in order to consider simulation result data in subsequent steps and with other software tools. Benefits will be demonstrated with several industrial use-cases for different material types and manufacturing processes such as 3D-Printing, Short- and Continuous Fiber Reinforced Composites, Blow- and Injection molding.  

Together with other collaborating companies based in Germany and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, DYNAmore GmbH is involved in this project since September 2017. In addition, the international consortium consists of both, software and manufacturing companies from Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.

The current VMAP implementation and linking to the Finite Element solver LS-DYNA is realized by DYNAmore using the in-house developed mapping tool Envyo®.
Following a statement from the VMAP website (vmap-standard.org), one can summarize that:
VMAP is a vendor-neutral standard for CAE data storage to enhance interoperability in virtual engineering workflows.