Our activities at DYNAmore go beyond the regular support of LS-DYNA. We are convinced that in order to support our customers in the best way possible we need to understand and solve ourselves the same problems our customers are dealing with.
With an experienced team, in which the members have a strong background in finite element analysis and computational mechanics the solution to your simulation problems could be only a fingertip away.
Our expertise encompasses applications in the following areas:
- vehicle crash simulations (Euro-NCAP, US-NCAP, FMVSS, ...)
- crash simulations using frontal and side impact dummies
- simulation techniques in the area of pedestrian safety
- pendulum tests on truck cabins
- metal forming simulations using Ansys Forming
- multi-disciplinary optimization using LS-OPT.
Our activities are not limited to full structural analyses but we perform also investigations on the component level, e. g.
- seat track investigations
- seatbelt simulations
- door closing mechanisms
While many of our activities deal with problems in the automotive industry, our services are not limited to this application area. We are offering our support also to customers in rail, ship-building and aerospace industries.
In addition, we are supporting our new LS-DYNA customers to define and carry out their first projects.