Extraction of NODOUT data (binout or ASCII format) out of d3plot file for a given node set.
plot2nodout reads nodal time history data from a LS-DYNA plotfile and writes it into a nodout-format file
usage: | plot2nodout [options] |
-l nodelist-file |
file with list of nodes for the nodout file or *NODE keyword format (incl *NODE) |
-g plotfile | LS-DYNA binary plot data file (default: d3plot) |
-o nodout-result | name for resulting nodout file (default: nodout.plot) |
-binout |
output format for nodout is LSDA (binout) (default: ASCII format) |
-norot | no rotational data is written to the nodout (default: rotational data written as zero) |
-s ### | select state ### only (default: all states) |
-f ### | output frequence for nodout (default: each state, "1") |
-p ### | print intervall for stdout (default: each state, "1") |
-coor | output coordinates in keyword format (no nodout data written) |
-v | gives version number |
-h | give this help on screen |