Weiterentwicklung der Umformsimulation für Stahlwerkstoffe – Konsequenzen für den Anwender
Sheet material development for automotive applications led to new steel concepts and grades during the last two decades. Especially new high strength steel grades combine the needs of strength, ductility and formability based on a special micro-structure. The often new combination of different hardening mechanism exerts influence on the way of modeling, interpreting and simulating these kinds of steel grades in industrial applications. Furthermore the expectation for simulation prediction accuracy and statements is rising. Driven by these developments the actual questions discussed are the kind of yield locus to use, how the material hardening can be determined, which experiments are needed and a strategy for effectively prediction of material failure not covered by forming limit diagrams. Therefore each company or user has to find a compromise of selecting the necessary modeling options out of a big variety of scientific possibilities and the expense to calibrate or measure the necessary input values to define a robust simulation process. To do this a deeper understanding of material behavior and the interactions in-between the different modeling options is necessary. Some topics for possible next steps in forming simulations are discussed.
Weiterentwicklung der Umformsimulation für Stahlwerkstoffe – Konsequenzen für den Anwender
Sheet material development for automotive applications led to new steel concepts and grades during the last two decades. Especially new high strength steel grades combine the needs of strength, ductility and formability based on a special micro-structure. The often new combination of different hardening mechanism exerts influence on the way of modeling, interpreting and simulating these kinds of steel grades in industrial applications. Furthermore the expectation for simulation prediction accuracy and statements is rising. Driven by these developments the actual questions discussed are the kind of yield locus to use, how the material hardening can be determined, which experiments are needed and a strategy for effectively prediction of material failure not covered by forming limit diagrams. Therefore each company or user has to find a compromise of selecting the necessary modeling options out of a big variety of scientific possibilities and the expense to calibrate or measure the necessary input values to define a robust simulation process. To do this a deeper understanding of material behavior and the interactions in-between the different modeling options is necessary. Some topics for possible next steps in forming simulations are discussed.
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