High Performance Computing Welding Analysis with DynaWeld and Parallelized LS-DYNA Solvers
In this paper the results of the PRACE SHAPE project “HPCWelding” are presented. During this project, a welding structure analysis with the parallel solvers of the LS-DYNA code was performed by Ingenieurbüro Tobias Loose on the Cray ...
Located in
Dienstag (11.10.16)
Process (Welding and Cooling)
Durability Asessment of Welded Structures Based on Welding Simulation with LS-DYNA
The importance of welding for modern structural engineering cannot be emphasized enough. Different techniques are currently applied in the industrial environment offering almost unlimited possibilities regarding manufacturability with ...
Located in
Dienstag (11.10.16)
Process (Welding and Cooling)
Recent Developments for Welding Simulation in LS-DYNA and LS-PrePost
The multi-physics capabilities of LS-DYNA makes it ideal for simulating the welding process where the mechanical and thermal physical regimes are combined to simulate the resulting part tolerance and residual stresses. Welding ...
Located in
Dienstag (11.10.16)
Process (Welding and Cooling)
Berücksichtigung der umformbedingten Faser-Reorientierung bei der Verzugssimulation von CFK-Bauteilen
Einleitend wird mit dem Nasspressprozess ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von CFK-Bauteilen vorgestellt, welches insbesondere beim innovativen Leichtbaukonzept der aktuellen 7er-Reihe („Carbon Core“) zum Einsatz kommt. Des Weiteren wird ...
Located in
Dienstag (11.10.16)
Process (EFR Polymers)
Forming Simulations in LS-DYNA using the Material Law 249
The reduction of car fuel consumption by proposing lightweight structural and non-structural parts is one of the main strategic goals of Faurecia Automotive Exteriors (FAE). Composites as fiber reinforced plastic materials (FRP) ...
Located in
Dienstag (11.10.16)
Process (EFR Polymers)
Finite Element Simulation of Delamination Processes when Side Milling the Edges of Cross-Ply Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) Boards
The machining of advanced composite materials is essential in several engineering applications. However, machining operations can induce delamination or other defects especially on fiber reinforced composite materials. In order to ...
Located in
Dienstag (11.10.16)
Process (EFR Polymers)
BMBF MAI qfast: Endlosfaser-Bauteilauslegung und -validierung mit Ultrasim
Bei dem Projekt MAI qfast aus dem Spitzencluster MAI Carbon handelt es sich um ein durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) gefördertes Projekt. Ein Ziel in MAI qfast war die Auslegung einer generischen ...
Located in
Dienstag (11.10.16)
Process (EFR Polymers)
Pre-Conference Workshop 4a Engineering
With fiber-reinforced plastics, the resulting fiber orientations in the molded component lead to many local anisotropies. To obtain accurate simulation results, these anisotropies should be incorporated in the structure simulation. ...
Located in
Montag (10.10.16)
Pre-Conference Workshop
Working with LS-PrePost
Located in
Montag (10.10.16)
Erkenntnisse aus aktuellen Performance-Messungen mit LS-DYNA
Located in
Montag (10.10.16)
Performance on new Hardware