Investigation of Failure Criterion in Dynamic Torsion Tests with Solid Cylindrical Specimens
When investigating the limiting states of materials under dynamic loading conditions, it’s important to specify the dependency of plastic failure strain on the stress state. Usually, such dependence is build upon the experimental data ...
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Improving the Prediction of LS-DYNA Calculations with Rhodia Data and Digimat
This presentation gives an overview of RHODIA Polyamide, MMI ConfidentDesign as well as presents the MMI Beam and discusses the correlation using DIGIMAT to LS-DYNA.
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Analysis of Fibre Orientation using μCT Data
Integrative simulations are based on a calculated bre orientation from which the local material properties can be derived in several ways. For instance the micro-mechanical model proposed by Tandon and Weng may be used coupled with ...
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Prediction of structural response of FRP composites for conceptual design of vehicles under impact loading
For the predictability of composite material behaviour under highly dynamic loads like crash, there is a need for better models reproducing the exact physics of failure mechanisms (matrix cracking, delamination, heat dissipation ...
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Material Data Determination and Crash Simulation of Fiber Reinforced Plastic Components
The quality of the mechanical simulation of reinforced thermoplastics depends on very com plex input parameters regarding the complex material behaviour. At the beginning of the sim ulation chain the material data has to be ...
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Finite element analysis of localised impact loading on short glass fibrereinforced polyamide engine oil pan subjected to low velocity impact from flying projectiles
This paper investigates low velocity impact involving a glass fibre-reinforced polyamide engine oil pan as part of a complete new development of thermoplastic components. The assessment of the impact resistance has driven the need to ...
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Investigation and Application of Multi-Disciplinary Optimization for Automotive Body-in-White Development
A process has been created for applying multi-disciplinary optimization (MDO) during the development of an automotive body-in-white (BIW) structure. The initial phase evaluated the performance of several different optimization ...
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
The ACP Process Applied to the FutureSteelVehicle Project: The Future of Product Design and Development
WorldAutoSteel launched Phase 2 of its FutureSteelVehicle programme (FSV) with the aim to help automakers optimise steel body structures for electrified vehicles. The Phase 2 objective is to develop detailed design concepts and fully ...
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
A modified approach for simulating complex compound structures within early design steps
Owing to increasing relevance of lightweight design the deployment of compound structures with their beneficial material characteristics becomes more and more important. These growing demands for lightweight design cannot be met by ...
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Parametric Modelling of Simplified Car Models for Assessment of Frontal Impact Compatibility
The aim of the FIMCAR project (co-funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme) is to develop and validate a frontal impact assessment approach that considers self and partner protection. In order to assess the ...
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2011 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz