Automated Process for Occupant Safety Simulation
In recent years, the demands on occupant safety simulation have increased exponentially. There are several reasons for this, for example more stringent requirements from legal and consumer tests, shorter development time and ...
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2006 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
New Developments in LS-OPT - Optimization New Features in LS-OPT Version 3.1
An overview of LS-OPT features is given with special emphasis on new features available in LS-OPT Version 3.1. The main features added to Version 3.1 include discrete optimization, 3-D metamodel plotting, additional statistics ...
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2006 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Fuzzy Morphing mit ANSA für die Formoptimierung mit LS-OPT
Continuously rising requests over all subjects of automotive engineering, come along with hard competition and cost minimization, leads to persistent requests of vehicle development. Goal conflicts like minimal costs of material ...
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2006 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Robustness / Optimization
Efficiency Improvement of Stochastic Simulations by Means of Subset Sampling
The design of engineering systems requires a sophisticated structural analysis close to reality. The uncertainty of structural parameters, such as loads, material parameters, and geometrical properties must be taken into account. ...
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2006 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Robustness / Optimization
Robustheitsuntersuchung und Sensitivitätsanalyse am Beispiel Schlittenversuche nach ECE-R14-7
For the safety of vehicle occupants during a frontal crash the stability of the seats and their connections to the car body as well as an appropriately designed restraint system are essential. For safety relevant components a reliable ...
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2006 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Robustness / Optimization
Prozesse zur Auslegung und Optimierung von Fahrzeugstrukturen
Auslegungsprozesse in der Fahrzeugentwicklung berücksichtigen viele verschiedene Anforderungen (zum Beispiel Lastenheftanforderungen an Dynamik, Steifigkeit und Crashlastfälle). Die einzelnen Disziplinen werden dabei mit Hilfe ...
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2006 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Robustness / Optimization
New Developments in LS-OPT - Robustness Studies
This talk gives a short introduction into the newest developments in LS-OPT and their Robustness Studies. Further on, Karhunen-Loève expansions, non-linear dynamic analysis of buckling as well as optimization set-ups are discussed.
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2006 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Robustness / Optimization
Zur Versagensvorhersage von Silikon-Glas-Klebeverbindung mit LS-DYNA: Identifizierung von geeigneten Materialmodellen und -parametern
So far structural sealants for use in structural sealant glazing systems were dimensioned by simple hand formulas with a high, global safety factor. Hence the building authority has only allowed to realise rectangle sealant sections ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Civil Engineering
Zur Versagensvorhersage von Silikon-Glas-Klebeverbindung mit LS-DYNA: Identifizierung von geeigneten Materialmodellen und -parametern
S. Brendler (Regierungspräsidium Tübingen), A. Haufe (DYNAmore) So far structural sealants for use in structural sealant glazing systems were dimensioned by simple hand formulas with a high, global safety factor. Hence the building ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Civil Engineering
Simulation of Sloshing Effects in Cylindrical Containers under Seismic Loading
Past experience has shown that metal cylindrical containment tanks undergo significant damages during strong earthquakes. The main design code widely adopted for these tanks is the American Petroleum Institute’s API-650 code [1]. The ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Civil Engineering