Coupled Thermal and Mechanical Simulation of Press Stamping Process
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2005 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Einsatz von LS-DYNA bei der Blechumformung Praxisbeispiele
Seit gut drei Jahren werden bei der Progress-Werk Oberkirch AG Umformsimulationen im Hause durchgeführt. Zum einen soll damit eine Verringerung von Ausprobeschleifen im Werkzeugbau und somit eine Steigerung der Produktivität erreicht ...
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2005 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Numerical Analysis of High Speed Roller Hemming Processes
This talk deals with the motivation and target as well as the approach and results of high speed roller hemming processes.
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2005 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Eine Möglichkeit zur Berücksichtigung der elastischen Werkzeugeigenschaften bei der Blechumformsimulation
The simulation of metal forming processes, in the field of massive forming as well as for sheet metal forming processes, has reached such a high level, that provides the possibility to carry out realistic simulations of industrial ...
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2005 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Collision Safety Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbines
Some offshore wind farms in Europe have been built and numerous projects are on the drawing tables. It is necessary to study the effects of these wind farms with respect to the safety of shipping in order to estimate the related risks ...
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2005 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
An Inverse Approach to Identify the Constitutive Model Parameters of Aluminum Honeycomb Materials
Advanced crashworthiness simulations need accurate knowledge and selection of both material models and corresponding parameters. These material model parameters are usually extracted from mechanical tests and are based on idealized ...
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2005 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Entwicklung und Umsetzung eines Abgleitmechanismus zur Erhöhung der Fahrzeugsicherheit
Vehicle safety is gaining an always more significant role for the marketing of a new vehicle. Consumer tests serve to reproduce realistic accident scenarios. A majority of the accidents bearing a high risk of injury and fatal ...
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2005 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Development of a High Strain-Rate Dependent Vehicle Model
Vehicle collisions can be considered as a highly dynamic deformation process, where structural steel deforms under different strain rates. Therefore, an appropriate material model, which takes rate affects into account, has to be ...
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2005 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Cellbond – Arup Barrier Development Programme
This talk introduces the Barrier Development Programme of Arup
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2005 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Alternative Model of the Offset Deformable Barrier
The offset deformable barrier consists mainly of honeycomb blocks with highly anisotropic behaviour. These parts are made from several layers with aluminium foil that is glued and stretched to form the honeycomb structure. Simple ...
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2005 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum