Entwicklung und Anwendung von Ersatzmodellen für die Modellierung von Klebverbindungen unter Crashbelastung
For crash simulation of the whole car body simplified models for joints, e.g. spotwelds, with limited element dimensions are usually applied to obtain economically acceptable computing times. Since there are no appropriate tools at hand to model deformation and failure of adhesive joints, the aim of this research was to develop such models and make them fit for LS-DYNA application. The deformation and failure behaviour of adhesive joints was first investigated on small scale specimens under tension and shear loading. A simplified model of the joint was proposed that enables the user to describe the global response for a limited range of adhesive thickness. Furthermore a material model that accounts for plastic compressibilty was introduced with a strain controlled failure criterion that offers the opportunity to describe the influence of triaxiality on the deformation and failure behaviour of the glue layer and the corresponding adhesive joint properly. Transferability of the results from small scale specimens to components was verified by the failure analysis of a T-joint.
Entwicklung und Anwendung von Ersatzmodellen für die Modellierung von Klebverbindungen unter Crashbelastung
For crash simulation of the whole car body simplified models for joints, e.g. spotwelds, with limited element dimensions are usually applied to obtain economically acceptable computing times. Since there are no appropriate tools at hand to model deformation and failure of adhesive joints, the aim of this research was to develop such models and make them fit for LS-DYNA application. The deformation and failure behaviour of adhesive joints was first investigated on small scale specimens under tension and shear loading. A simplified model of the joint was proposed that enables the user to describe the global response for a limited range of adhesive thickness. Furthermore a material model that accounts for plastic compressibilty was introduced with a strain controlled failure criterion that offers the opportunity to describe the influence of triaxiality on the deformation and failure behaviour of the glue layer and the corresponding adhesive joint properly. Transferability of the results from small scale specimens to components was verified by the failure analysis of a T-joint.