Kunststofffedern unter Langzeitbelastung - Anwendung viskoelastischer Materialmodelle
Viscoelastic effects have a wide influence on the behaviour of long-term loaded components. Considering this characteristic behaviour of polymer materials appropriate material models have to be used in FE-simulations. LS-Dyna provides ...
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Determination of the Behaviour of Thermoplastics at High Strain-Rates Using the Invariant Theory
For the finite element simulations of polymeric materials mathematical models are needed which cover all the phenomena of the material. In the first part of this paper a new model based on the invariant theory is introduced. With this ...
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Numerical Analysis of Metallic Hollow Sphere Structures
The paper presents a computational study of adhesively bonded metallic hollow sphere structures fully embedded within an adhesive matrix. Their behaviour under compressive dynamic loading was evaluated by means of dynamic ...
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Simulation des Impaktverhaltens von CFK-Sandwichpanel unter Vorlast
Due to their excellent mechanical properties sandwich panels with carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CRFP) face sheets and folded core structures are very interesting for future aircraft fuselage concepts. The complex failure behavior ...
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Simulation of Low Velocity Impact on Composite Plates with Compressive Preload
The impact behaviour of fibre-reinforced composite materials is much more complex than it is for conventional metallic structures due to a number of different failure modes on the interlaminar and intralaminar level. In most of the ...
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Untersuchungen zur Modellierung von Strukturen aus FKV unter Crashbelastung mit Hilfe von Mehrschalenmodellierungen
The numerical simulation of the crash front in composite structures is up to now still difficult. To improve the numerical results a so called ‘stacked shell’ model for laminated composites which is typically used for impact modelling ...
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Modelling and Crash Simulation of Long-Fibre-Reinforced Thermoplastics
The presentation deals with the development, calibration and verification of a constitutive model for the deformation and failure of long-fibre-reinforced thermoplastics (LFT). The model has been implemented as a user-defined material ...
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Kurzfaserverstärkte Kunststoffbauteile - Einfluss der prozessbedingten Faserorientierung auf die Strukturmechanik
In the field of automotive applications the use of short fiber reinforced polymers is very common. Due to the injection molding process and the filling behavior of the geometry the fibers are orientated. On a simple mind model various ...
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Characterization of Polyolefins for Design Under Impact: From True Stress/ Local Strain Measurements to the FE-Simulation with LS-DYNA Mat. SAMP-1
Optical strain measurement for the mechanical characterization of polymers, and in particular of polyolefins, is becoming a common practice to determine the parameters to be used in a finite element analysis of crash problems. This ...
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Validation and Verification of Plastics under Multiaxial Loading
This talk introduces in the validation and verification process of plastics under miltiaxial loading as well as presents experimental findings of material behavior of plastics and phenomenlological modeling.
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum