Structural Dynamic Response of a Track Chain Complete Under-carriage System Using a Virtual Proving Ground Approach
The ITM Group Engineering Department uses advanced tools as finite element methods for static structural analyses of undercarriages, side frames or undercarriage components, as track chain, rollers and tension devices. In order to ...
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Durability Analysis of the Door with Simulation of the Door Endurance Test with LS-DYNA and FEMFAT
This paper presents a method to analyse the door endurance test of commercial vehicles. The door endurance test simulates the opening and closing activities of the customers. To simulate this durability of the door a combination ...
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Is Your Mesh Refined Enough? Estimating Discretization Error Using GCI
The importance of estimating discretization error has been sadly neglected in the computational solid mechanics community. Quite the opposite is true in the computational fluid dynamics community where discretization error estimation ...
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Ideas on Applying Very Fine Models in Dummy Model Development
This talk gives an overview of applying very fine models in dummy model development. It includes topics about the current model size, outline and applications of fine models as well as the difficulties with fine models.
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Modeling Techniques for Predictive and Robust Dummy Models - Comparison with Validation and Verification Considerations in Other Applications (D)
In many load cases models from third parties are used during vehicle development. Since many years the authors work in development on different dummy models. The projects are in cooperation with organizations of the German automotive ...
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Quicker Process to Consider Strain Hardening for Crash Analysis Using HYCRASH
As one of the important issues in correlation of crash analysis, we know that the press-forming effect has large influence for the result of the analysis. Some tries and studies were carried out to assume the forming result to the ...
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Consistent Damage Modelling in the Process Chain of Forming to Crashworthiness Simulations
Increasing crashworthiness requirements, together with the need of substantial weight reduction, are pushing the use of high strength steel grades in automotive car body structures. For being able to provide a reliable prediction of ...
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
On Calibrating Advanced Damage Models Using Sheet Metal Coupon Tests
With increasing requirements on crashworthiness and weight reduction of car body structures, the use of high strength steels has become widespread in modern cars. In contrast to conventional steels, these higher strength steels often ...
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Challenges in High Performance Computing
This talk deals with the demands for parallel filesystems of HPC storages as well as SMP applications and demands for easy cluster deployment and management.
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Shorten Development Processes Through Efficient Data Management
Development processes for more complex new products and better performance require necessarily verification through digital simulation. Due to shortened development cycles the time to answer questions about reliable product ...
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2008 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum