Transversely Isotropic Plasticity with Application to Fiber-Reinforced Plastics
In this article a constitutive formulation for transversely isotropic materials is presented taking large plastic deformation at small elastic strains into account. A scalar damage model is used for the approximation of the unloading ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Anisotropy (Materials II)
An Anisotropic Material Model for Finite Rubber Viscoelasticity
In this article a formulation of an anisotropic finite linear viscoelasticity model is proposed. In particular, transverse isotropy and orthotropy is considered. The aim of this work is to establish a material model, which allows the ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Anisotropy (Materials II)
Phenomenological and Micromechanical Modeling of Anisotropic Effects in Hyperelastic Materials
Hyperelastic materials may exhibit anisotropic effects caused by fiber-reinforcement and filler-particles. In the latter case, anisotropy is induced by directional preconditioning during the production process where a microstructural ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Anisotropy (Materials II)
Determination of the Mechanical Properties of Oriented Short Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastics under Different Stress States
This paper presents several methods to examine fibre reinforced specimens at the three principle stress states and at different fibre orientations. The specimens for the different stress states were machined out of the same injection ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Fibers & Polymers (Material I)
Numerische Nachbildung der Crashfront von faserverstärkten Strukturen mit Hilfe von Mehrschalenmodellen
The numerical simulation of the crash front in composite structures is up to now difficult. The reason is based on the complex failure phaenomena in the crushing area (fibre fracture, matrix failure, delamination, etc.). To improve ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Fibers & Polymers (Material I)
Benchmarks for Composite Delamination Using LS-DYNA 971
The increasing interest in the implementation of fiber reinforced materials for primary and secondary structures requires a closer look into the performance of these materials under a wide range of structural loads. This paper deals ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Fibers & Polymers (Material I)
Kunststoffcharaktersierung mit Impetus II - Der effiziente Weg zu validierten dynamischen Materialdaten
The testing system Impetus II provides the automatic analysis of dynamic loaded parts or samples and builds for the first time a closed way of realistic material morphology and load case during test over semi analytical models or ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Fibers & Polymers (Material I)
Verkürzung der Try-Out-Phase durch Prozessfenster-Ermittlung und Ziehsickenoptimierung
Die Abschätzung der Herstellbarkeit von Tiefziehbauteilen mittels der Finiten-Elemente-methode ist schon länger Stand der Technik. Die Genauigkeit und die Zuverlässigkeit der Simulationswerkzeuge abgebildet. Neben dieser Entwicklung ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Metal Forming
Vision and Development of DAS - a LS-DYNA based Die System Analysis
DYNAFORM has been known as a LS-DYNA based sheet metal forming simulation solution package. With additional development to support various manufacturing requirements, ETA has delivered a first version of DYNAFORM-DSA Module, it is ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Metal Forming
Newly Developed DYNAFORM 5.6 Features and Functions
DYNAFORM has been evaluated through out last 12 years in 5 major overhauls. DYNAFORM 5.6 is the latest major overhault with incremental improvements and enhancements in the areas of Overall GUI reorganization, enhanced DFE features & ...
Existiert in
2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Metal Forming