Creating Processes for CAE Automation
The speed of the development cycle in structural CAE is strongly dependent on the discritisation (meshing) of the FE models. Whereas 15 years ago, it took the Automotive Industry 3 month to build a BIW model , this time is now down to ...
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2004 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Vehicle Turn Simulation Using FE Tire model
A simplified FE tire model has capability to solve a large deformation of a tire on a vehicle running simulation with acceptable computation time. We tried to simulate a vehicle cornering by using simplified FE tire models and a ...
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2004 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Berücksichtigung von Blechumformergebnissen in der Crashberechnung
So far in the numeric simulation of strength-, durability-, NVH- and crash-problems the process history of sheet metals, e. g. hardening of the material and thinning of the sheet due to the forming process, is not taken into account ...
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2004 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Nichtlineare Anwendungen im Bereich LS-DYNA Implizit
Martin Pitzer Peng GmbH Der Erfolg der expliziten FE-Methode im Bereich nicht linearer Anwendungen basiert wesentlich auf einem geringen Speicherbedarf und sehr robusten Kontaktalgorithmen. In den vergangenen Jahren ist die implizite ...
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2004 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Simulation of airbag sensing signals using finite element method
Using FE simulation to aid in development of the body structure for vehicle crashworthiness is a common practice in automotive industry today. However, development of airbag sensing calibration is still heavily depended on the ...
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2004 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Recent developments in LS-DYNA Part II
This talk is the second part of "Recent developments in LS-DYNA" and gives an overview of the latest developments in the 971 release including new features.
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2004 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Composites – Materialmodellierung und Anwendungen im Flugzeugbau
Langfaserverstärkte Faserverbundwerkstoffe zeichnen sich aufgrund ihrer hohen gewichtsspezifischen Steifigkeit und Festigkeit als hervorragende Leichtbauwerkstoffe aus. Problematisch bei Auslegung und numerischer Analyse gestaltet ...
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2004 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Using MSC.Nastran for Explicit FEM Simulations
Within MSC.Nastran 2005 an Explicit Solution Sequence, the so-called SOL700 is introduced. Based on LS-Dyna’s proven explicit FEM-Solver, it makes accessible explicit solution techniques to the users of MSC.Nastran. This article ...
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2004 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Recent developments in OASYS Primer
This talk presents the recent developments in OASIS Primer including developments of the user interface, the Cross-Reference Viewer, Part table and much more.
Existiert in
2004 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
AMD Opteron & PGI Enable the World’s Fastest LS-DYNA Performance
This talk includes topics about the Opteron, Itanium and XeonEMT architecture as well as OGI Compiler for DYNA driven enhancements. As the last point the talk discusses the performance of the Neon and 3-Car model.
Existiert in
2004 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum