How to Develop a Five Star Car by using LS-DYNA
Existiert in
2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Plenary Session
CAE Simulations for Passive Safety focused on the Porsche Cayenne - the Transition to New Technologies
Simulation technologies are methods which have been traditionally applied in automotive engineering for a long time. Over the decades, enormous progress has been achieved in both, the simulation methods and the CAE-programs used. ...
Existiert in
2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Plenary Session
Recent New Developments in Contact Mechanics
During the last years considerable effort was devoted to better numerical treatment of contact problems. This fact is due to the growing computing power which lead to more and more sophistication and detailed technical models within ...
Existiert in
2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Plenary Session
Current and future developments of LS-DYNA I
LSTC’s Perspective on the future Version 970 status Recent developments for crash Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Developments Implicit Developments EFG (Mesh-free) Developments MPP Outlook
Existiert in
2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Plenary Session
An Integrated Experimental-Numerical Approach to Predictive Modelling of Fracture in Materials Subjected to Impact Loading
Laboratory experiments of varied complexity and the corresponding numerical simulation procedures have been integrated to enable improved predictive modelling of fracture in materials subjected to impact loading. Application of this ...
Existiert in
2004 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Robust Design for Crash at DaimlerChrysler Commercial Vehicles CAE
This presentation introduces in why robustness is an important part in crash simulation. Further on, the Meta-Modeling theory is explained as well as two applications are discussed. It ends with convergence studies and a conclusion of ...
Existiert in
2004 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Simulationsgestützte Kompensation der Rückfederung
Die Simulation des Blechumformprozesses wird heute standardisiert eingesetzt, um bereits während der Werkzeugkonstruktion die versagensfreie Herstellbarkeit des Blechformteils zu gewährleisten. Dagegen befindet sich die Simulation der ...
Existiert in
2004 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Fluid - Structure- Interaction – A Still Challenging Topic
Fluid structure interaction (FSI) problems are of greate relevance in many engineering fields. Profound understanding of fluid structure interaction is essential to explain and predict a wide range of physical phenomena among which ...
Existiert in
2004 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Recent Developments in LS-DYNA - I
This talk presents recent developments for the next 970 release including topics about Universalt Restart, the Stress Initialization Option, ALE Airbag Development as well as topics about Metalforming and Spotwelds.
Existiert in
2004 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Validierung von Verfahren fur die numerische Simulation von Vogelschlag
Bei Vogelschlag auf ein Luftfahrzeug treten innerhalb von Sekundenbruchteilen hohe Kontaktdr¨cke mit ver¨nderlichem Betrag, Wirkfl¨che u a a und Verteilung auf. Daraus entstehen im betroffenen Bauteil hohe Dehnungen mit plastischen ...
Existiert in
2004 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
New Methods