FAT Dummy Models for Side Impact
Detailed finite element side impact dummy models of the USSID, EUROSID, and ES-2 have been developed in cooperation with the German Association for Automotive Research (FAT) during the last 5 years. All models are validated using ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Development of a 50th Percentile Hybrid III Dummy Model
Due to significant improvements in computer technology and finite element (FE) code capabilities, it has become more feasible and effective to incorporate occupant models in the analysis and evaluation of vehicle crashworthiness and ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
FTSS FEA Dummy Models update: SID-IIs Small Side Impact Dummy Model and others
SID-IIs, the small side impact dummy, is the smallest side impact crash test dummy currently available in the market, representing the anthropometry of a small female or a thirteen-year-old child. It is designed specifically to ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Recent advances in THUMS : development of individual internal organs, brain, small female, and pedestrian model
A finite element model of total human model for safety, which is called THUMS, has been developed in order to study human body responses for impact loads. In previous report, a mid-size adult male occupant model of THUMS was developed ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Impact Performance of Flexible Guardrail Systems using LS-DYNA
In Canada, different types of vehicle collisions are recorded every year, resulting in many injuries and fatalities (2,969 road users killed and 17,500 seriously injured during 1999, Road Safety Vision 2001). The severity of these ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Crash / Automotive Applications
LS-DYNA on Linux-Clusters at EDAG Use Case
At EDAG, the increasing demand for crash simulations with LS-DYNA required the expansion of the existing compute resources in the beginning of 2002. As at this point there was a stable and performant MPP-version of LS-DYNA available, ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Crash / Automotive Applications
LS- Dyna on MPP Platforms, Experiences and Practical Recommendations
This paper is about MPP plattforms and discusses MPP in different domains, the boundaries of MPP und the latest market development of MPP systems. Further points in this paper processesing HPC evolution at Tecosim, the MPP performance ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Crash / Automotive Applications
Reasons for Scatter in Crash Simulation Results
In crash simulation, small changes of the model or boundary conditions may result in substantial changes of the simulation results. For a BMW car model, the node positions of the crashed model show differences of up to 14 cm between ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Crash / Automotive Applications
Simulation of a Vehicle Running on to a Curb by Using Tire and Vehicle FE Models
A simplified FE tire model has capability to solve a large deformation of a tire on a vehicle running simulation with acceptable computational time. We tried to simulate a vehicle running on to a curb, one of vehicle strength tests, ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Crash / Automotive Applications
Improving the Roadside Safety with Computational Simulations
The road restraint systems on public streets are used to prevent a vehicle to veer off the road or its breakthrough to the opposite side of the road. The road restraint systems designed according to the EN 1317 standard are intended ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Crash / Automotive Applications