
Die vorläufige Agenda für die 2024 International LS-DYNA Conference, die dieses Jahr unter dem Dach des Ansys Transportation Summit stattfindet.

PLENUM "The Grand Ballroom"

22. Oktober 2024

Begrüßung / Keynote-Vorträge I
08:30 Begrüßung

P. Banerjee (Ansys)

08:40 Ansys AI

P. Banerjee (Ansys)

09:15 Red Bull Racing

G. Serino (Red Bull Racing)

09:40 Safety Simulation enhancement using AI
R. Rajagopalan (Stellantis)
10:05 GHBMC and the Applications of GHBMC Models
C.-H. Lin (GM)
10:30 Pause

PARALLELE SESSIONS A 1 - 4, Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2024 (10:45 - 12:00)

The Grand Ballroom

The Provincial Ballroom
Occupant / Pedestrian Safety I
The Mosaic Ballroom
Simulation Methods I
The Abbey
Forming I
10:45 Virtual Validation of Seat Integrity in a Full-Size SUV for Front Crash
R. Bihamta (GM)
Development of Human Body Model (HBM-C) and Accelerated Positioning Tool (APT-C) for Virtual Testing and Product Development
R. Jagadish (Humanetics)
Application of Machine Learning technique to incorporate manufacturing and Testing variation for Robust BIW design for Crash performance
S. Nair (Maruti Suzuki)
Simulation Multi-stage draw and ironing for making battery cell by LS-DYNA
Z.Q. Sheng (GM)
11:10 Collapse Load Calibration for Engine Mounts
B. Pockszevnicki (Stellantis)
Preliinary Validation of New Continuum Particle Gas (CPG) Method for Airbag Deployment Simulations
H. Ohira (JSOL)
Simulating Solder Joint Shapes Post Reflow in Flip Chip Ball Grid Array Packages using ISPG – part 1
D. Vilyatser (Ansys)

Highly Automated Springback Compensation of the Draw Die
X. Zhu (Ansys)
11:35 Virtual validation of HIT: identification of key parameters to achieve ECE-R21/FMVSS201 requirements
S. Calcopietro (Marelli)
Utilizing a validated laminated glass model to simulate pedestrian head impact on a windshield
M. Tatarsky (Arup)
Simulating Solder Joint Shapes Post Reflow in Flip Chip Ball Grid Array Packages using ISPG – part 2
Y. Buzaglo (Nvidia)

Hot Forming Simulation with Ansys Forming and LS-DYNA
V. Steininger (Tiwa Quest)
12:00 Mittagspause

PARALLELE SESSIONS B 1 - 4, Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2024 (13:15 - 14:55)

The Grand Ballroom
Material and Constitutive Modelling I

The Provincial Ballroom
 Human Body Models
The Mosaic Ballroom
Aerospace Structure Impact and Dynamics I
The Abbey
13:15 Sonic weld characterization and FEA modeling method development for automotive applications
ABM I. Islam (GM)
Emergency Brace Positioning and Injury Risk Prediction of Aircraft Occupants under Impact Loading
G. Mohamed (Arup)

Explicit Dynamic Analysis of an In-Service Part Departed Aircraft
T. Wright (Boeing)

An Application of Shape Similarity Recognition Using PCA based Dimensional Compression
M. Okamura (JSOL)

13:40 Multiaxial computational model of J2 plasticity with isotropic hardening and damage GISSMO model for predicting material properties
C. A. da Maia (Stellantis)
Introducing HBMs in Safety Simulations. Biofidelic positioning, and post-processing with ANSA and META
L. Rorris (BETA CAE Systems)
Parameter Studies Toward the Development of A Publicly Available Bird Strike Model
T. Lyons (NASA)
Facilitating Virtual Testing at an Industrial Level by Simulation Data Management
M. Thiele (SCALE)

14:05 Polymer Calibration using Generative AI-powered Workflows
S. Bala (d3VIEW)
HANS meets the GNS software Working with HBMs in Generator4 and Animator4
L. Benito Cia (GNS mbH)
Bird Strike Resistance of Thermoplastic Composite Panels: Experimental and Numerical Analysis
A. K. Ravi (NIAR)
Template-driven management of model and loadcase variants for LS-DYNA simulations
I. Makropoulou (BETA CAE Systems)
14:30 Recent advancements in material models
T. Erhart (Ansys)
A. Gromer (Ansys)
Preload of rotorcraft blade for impact simulation
A. De Abreu (AVET-NIAR)
Manage multi-disciplinary load cases in SDM: model setup and evaluation of results
A. Lohbrunner (SCALEsdm)
14:55 Pause

PARALLELE SESSIONS C 1 - 4, Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2024 (15:30 - 17:35)

The Grand Ballroom
Battery / Electric Vehicle

The Provincial Ballroom
Machine Learning
The Mosaic Ballroom
Simulation Methods II
The Abbey
Multiphysics Modelling
15:30 Advancing Battery Safety Through Multi-Physics Modeling: From Experimental Data to Validated Simulation Models
M. Schwab (4a engineering)
Topology Optimization for Giga-Casting Design in Automotive Bodies Using LS-TASC & LS-DYNA
A. Kulkarni (Novelis)

Simulation of Snow-Structure Interaction Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH)
M. Bolisetty (Mercedes-Benz)

Modeling the Sloshing Phenomena of Fuel using LS-DYNA
Y. Lev (Rafael)

15:55 Coupled Mechanical-Electrical-Thermal Behavior of Batteries: Experimental and Numerical Analysis
N. Spulak (University of Alabama)
Parametric ROM technology for fast optimization of Crash Problems
S. Bijjala (DEP)
Fluid Slosh Behavior For Crashworthiness – A Modeling Approach Validated With Experimental Data
P. Selvaraj (Stellantis)
Simulating Safe Landing : A Deep Dive into Parachute Inflation and Float with LS-DYNA
C. S. Kattamuri (CADFEM)

16:20 Exploring Ansys LS-DYNA's Battery Modeling Capabilities
I. Çaldichoury (Ansys)
From automatic event detection to automatic cause correlation
D. Borsotto (Sidact)

CAE Development of Toyota Tacoma Second-Row Seat Structure
P. Kondapalli (BASF)
Enhancing FSI Simulations in LS-DYNA: Implementing Immersed Interface Techniques in the Incompressible CFD Solver
F. Del Pin (Ansys)

16:45 Modeling Battery Safety under Penetration Loads Using LS-DYNA
S. K. Meenakshisundaram (Ansys)
LS-OPT Pro: Status and Outlook
N. Stander (Ansys)
New Advances in the Discrete Element Method (DEM)
M. M. Atif (Ansys)
New porous media model for high-speed flows and EnSight-specific postprocessing output in the dual-CESE solver in LS-DYNA
G. Cook (Ansys)
17:10 Scaling from Battery Cell to Electric Vehicle (EV) Crash – A Case Study from Full Vehicle Teardown
V. Challa (Ansys)
Fully Transient Vehicle Crash Predictions powered by SimAI
S. Adya (Ansys)
Modular Contact: A new approach to contact in LS-DYNA
A. Ziegenhagel (Ansys)
Study of Vehicle Aerodynamics with the ICFD Solver and its Application to the Quarkus P3 Pikes Peak Version
M. Le Garrec (DynaS+)
17:35 Empfang in der Lobby

PARALLELE SESSIONS D 1 - 3, Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2024 (08:30 - 10:10 Uhr)

The Grand Ballroom

The Provincial Ballroom
OCCupant Safety II

The Mosaic Ballroom
Drop/Impact DYNAmics I

Modelling thick-walled aluminium extrusions in side-crash applications
E. Teixidó-Marquès (NTNU)

Advancements in Humanetics' FE Models
Z. Feng (Humanetics)

Study on Impact Loading Reduction Performance of "Origami Hat"
S. Tokura (Tokura Simulation Research Corporation)

Simulated Failure Limitations of Midwest guardrail System
B. Van Mierlo (Safe Roads Research and Development)

Enhancing Vehicle Safety Assessments through Advanced Virtual Testing Crashworthiness with the aid of ANSA and META
T. Fokylidis (BETA CAE Systems)

More than 40% cost reduction through drop test simulation with Ansys LS-DYNA
M. Maurer (CADFEM)


Leveraging Graph Neural Networks for Surrogate Model Development in Automotive Crash Simulations
M. Nierman (Rescale)

Mitigating Risks at Bus Stops: A Study of the Effectiveness of Bollard Systems
J. Lazatin (University of Nevada)

Accidental Fuel Drop on Spent Fuel Pool Storage Racks
R. Sankaranarayanan (Orano Federal Services)

Introducing J-SimRapid, A New Reduction Modelling Tool for Vehicle Crash Simulation
S. Hayashi (JSOL)

Data preparation for the Euro NCAP far-side ISO18571 rating calculation with tools from the DYNAmore Eco System
A. Schif (Ansys)

Sequential drop test simulations through automated process in Workbench LS-DYNA
Y. Novozhilov (CADFEM)

10:10 Pause

PARALLELE SESSIONS D 4 - 6, Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2024 (08:30 - 10:10 Uhr)

The Abbey

Library C

Library D

Ansys Forming – The New GUI for Forming Simulations with LS-Dyna: An Overview and Outlook
C. Robinson (Ansys)

Application of Trimmed Solid in IGA to Aluminum Diecast Part Analysis
T. Naito (Honda Motor)

Optimization of Diastolic Material Parameters: Use of a Shape-Based Objective Function in Conjunction with a Feasibility Classifier
M. Ratcliffe (University of California)

Die Hemming Simulation with Ansys Forming and LS-DYNA
V. Steininger (Tiwa Quest)

Evaluation of B-Pillar crush using IGA Shells
A. Raut (Stellantis)

Design Evaluation of an Ortho-Chair for the Prevention and Relief of Lower Back Pain
M. Sahul Hamid (Advanced Computational Systems)


A systematic study on Ansys Forming performance
K. Shen (Ansys)

Recent Enhancements and Studies of Isogeometric Shells in LS-DYNA
L. Leidinger (Ansys)

Simulation workflow for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacements: From crimp and deployment to fluid-structure interaction
N. Karajan (Ansys)

3D Drawbead Force Prediction and Geometry Generation
X. He (Ansys)

Updates on trimmed IGA B-Spline Solids
S. Hartmann (Ansys)

Optimization of Prosthetic Heart Valves: Enhancing Hemodynamics through Advanced Morphing Techniques
F. Del Pin (Ansys)

10:10 Pause

PARALLELE SESSIONS E 1 - 3, Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2024 (10:30 - 12:10 Uhr)

The Grand Ballroom
Simulation Misc. I

The Provincial Ballroom
Material and Constitutive Modelling II

The Mosaic Ballroom
Aerospace Structure Impact and Dynamics II

Acceleration of Implicit LS-DYNA
B. Lucas (Ansys)

Evaluation of Viscoelastic Material Models in LS-DYNA based on Stress Relaxation Data
V. Savic (GM)

Determination of MAT224 Fracture Surface Points for Material Subjected to Three-Dimensional State of stress
A. Gilat (Ohio State University)

Efficient High-Performance Compute for Ansys LS-DYNA Leveraging NVIDIA Grace Platform
I. Pegler (Nvidia)

A physically based strength prediction model for glass
J. Rudshaug (Norwegian Defence Estates Agency)

Application of the MAT 213 Composite Impact Model to NASA Problems of Interest
R. Goldberg (NASA Glenn Research Center)


Application of ISPG Method in Various Manufacturing Processes Simulation
L. Zhang (Ansys)

Considering the Local Anisotropy in the Simulation Process Chain for Short and Long Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics
H. Pothukuchi (4a engineering)

Drone impact on residential roof structure to verify occupant safety
L. Firth (Amazon PrimeAir)

LS-DYNA Smoothed Particle Galerkin (SPG) method for ductile failure simulation: feature updates, development road map
B. Ren (Ansys)

Modelling of failure in aluminium high-pressure die castings
D. Morin (NTNU)

Development of Anisotropic Plasticity Model of Titanium-6Al-4V for *MAT_264 for Ballistic Impact Simulations
C.-K. Park (George Mason University)

12:10 Mittagspause

PARALLELE SESSIONS E 4 - 6, Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2024 (10:30 - 12:10 Uhr)

The Abbey
Drop/Impact DYNAmics II

Library C

Library D
Biomedical/Healthcare II

Simulation of hammer impact during driving process of offshore monopile foundation for wind energy structures
A. M. Abouelmaty (Porto University)

Recent development in Ansys LS-DYNA’s NVH solvers
Y. Huang (Ansys)

The Use of Porous Media in ICFD for Valve Modeling with Patient Specific Heart Models from Synopsys Simpleware
P. Huang (Ansys)

Advancing Solder Joint Modeling in PCBs: A Two-Scale Co-Simulation Approach for Shock & Vibration Analysis Using LS-DYNA
H. Mao (Ansys)

Advancements in Eigenvalue Technology
F.-H. Rouet (Ansys)

A New Eikonal Solver for Cardiac Electrophysiology in LS-DYNA
P. L'Eplattenier (Ansys)


Combining Physical Test with Structural Explicit FEA to Develop Package-Specific Failure Models for Electronic Components
M. Howard (Ansys)

The new linear solver with nonlinear contacts
A. Jonsson (Ansys)

Pyheart-lib: A Python Library For LS-DYNA Multi-Physics Heart Simulations
K. El Houari (Ansys)

Fast Study of Multiple Sizes Helmets and Design Shape Optimization using LS-DYNA, LS-OPT and DEP MeshWorks
M. Seulin (DynaS+)

Introduction of LS-DYNA® MCOL solver coupling with Ansys Aqwa for the application in shipbuilding analysis
Z. Cu (Ansys)

Simulation of drug effects on whole heart contractility
F. L. Florencio (Ansys)

12:10 Mittagspause

PARALLELE SESSIONS F 1 - 3, Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2024 (13:15 - 14:55 Uhr)

The Grand Ballroom
Simulation Misc. II

The Provincial Ballroom
Blast / Impact Dynamics

The Mosaic Ballroom
Aerospace Structure Impact and Dynamics III

LS-DYNA User-Defined Internal Ballistic Modeling
S. Oguz (NASA Johnson Space Center)

Cost-Effective Body Armor Design with Advanced Optimization using LS-OPT: Focus on Ceramic Ballistic Behavior Modeling
K. Kaya (Nurol Teknoloji)

Experimental Calibration of Flow Rule Coefficients for LS-DYNA MAT_213
D. Slaughter (Iowa State University)

Spotweld Modeling Methodologies and Failure Characterization of Aluminum Resistance Spotwelds (RSW) using LS-DYNA
A. Kulkarni (Novelis)

Adaptive FEM-DEM simulation of a soft missile impact on a reinforced concrete slab
Y. Novozhilov (CADFEM)

Computational modeling of tensile split Hopkinson bar tests on carbon-carbon composites using continuum and mesoscale approaches
C. Sorini (Southwest Research Institute)


Use of LS-DYNA for Estimating Earthquake-induced Ground Settlements
O. Numanoglu (Schnabel Engineering)

A new set of Eulerian Solver inside LS-DYNA
N. Aquelet (Ansys)

Adaptive FEM-SPH Numerical Models of CFRP Composite Materials under Hypervelocity Impacts
A. Gudisey (University of Windsor)

Continuum-based Particle Gas (CPG): A New Approach for Airbag Deployment Simulations
E. Yreux (Ansys)

Experimental characterization of the material properties and dynamic response of T700GC/LMPAEK thermoplastic composites for LS-DYNA MAT213 modeling
J. Black (Mississippi State University)

Simulation-Aided Design of Compression Specimens for Accessing New States of Stress During Ductile Fracture
E. White (University of Dayton)

14:55 Pause

PARALLELE SESSIONS F 4 - 6, Mittwoch, 23. Oktober 2024 (13:15 - 14:55 Uhr)

The Abbey
Forming III

Library C

Library D
Pre- and Postprocessing

Validating wear simulations in heat exchanger plate stamping process through comparative analysis with experimental data for enhanced productivity and quality
D. Fang (Danfoss)

Pre-processing IGA models with ANSA
L. Rorris (BETA CAE Systems)

Virtual Testing Protocols and LS-DYNA – Pre and Post Processing Solutions in the Oasys LS-DYNA Environment
A. Parkes (Arup)

Simulation of sheet metal forming using solid elements
M. Schill (Ansys)

CAD-integrate Untrimmed Body-fit Unstructured Spline LS-DYNA Preprocessing for Isogeometric Analysis and Digital Twins
B. Urick (nVariate)

Ensuring conformity and high level productivity between ANSA and LS-DYNA during model and load case development
T. Fokylidis (BETA CAE Systems)


Trimline Development Application with Ansys Forming
J. He (Forming Simulation Technologies)

Computation efficiency in IGA Solid by applying subcycling technology
L. Li (Ansys)

CAE process automation using ANSA and SPDRM for creating crash digital models
A. Kaloudis (BETA CAE Systems)

Trim curve development in forming simulation
P. Hernandez-Becerro (Ansys)

Hourglass Control Recommendations for Simulating Reinforced Concrete under Low Velocity Impact
A. Samadzad (University of North Carolina)

Multiphysics Analysis of Automotive Components for Product Portfolio Optimization
S. Torres (Universidad de Monterrey)

14:55 Pause

PLENUM "The Grand Ballroom"

23. Oktober 2024

Keynote-Vorträge II / Verabschiedung
15:15 Advancing Transportation and Road Safety: GMU's Research Activities Using LS-DYNA Simulation

R. Reichert (GMU)

15:40 TBD

J. Pellettiere (FAA)

16:05 Recent Developments in LS-DYNA

LS-DYNA Developers (Ansys)


Representative from Ansys

16:45 Ende der Konferenz