Usage of GPU in LS-DYNA
The increasing computing power of GPUs can be used to improve the performance of CAE systems.[1]. Within LS-DYNA an improved direct equation solver can be used, which accelerates the performance of implicit applications by use of a ...
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2012 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Dynamic characterisation of composite materials with 4a impetus
With the increased use of fiber-reinforced plastic composites in the automotive industy, the demands on the accuracy of the simulation resulb and their informative value are constantly rising. Since the mechanical properties of these ...
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2012 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
A Simple Shear Test to Evaluate Material Ductility based on Specimens Cut from Thin-Walled Sections
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2012 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Integrative Simulation am Beispiel Cimera - ein tiefziehfähiges Sandwichmaterial
Die Kernkompetenz der 4a manufacturing GmbH liegt in der Entwicklung sowie Herstellung von Mehrschichtverbunden (Sandwich), die insbesondere im Leichtbau eingesetzt werden. Mit dem Verbundmaterial "Cimera" können aufgrund des ...
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2012 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Simulative Abbildung von Umformprozessen bei der Herstellung von Faserverbundbauteilen
Zunehmende Ressourcenknappheit fossiler Energieträger, politische Restriktionen hinsichtlich der CO2-Emissionen sowie eine ansteigende Urbanisierung beeinflussen die zukünftigen Mobilitätsanforderungen [1]. Eine Möglichkeit, um diesen ...
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2012 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Computational simulations of unidirectional cellular material UniPore subjected to dynamic loading
Cellular structures have an attractive combination of mechanical properties and are increasingly used in modern engineering applications. Consequently, the research of their behaviour under quasi-static and dynamic loading is valuable ...
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2012 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Status report of dummy developments in preparation of Euro NCAP 2015
Euro NCAP is anticipating adding new procedures in areas currently not covered and updating existing procedures to continue the trend of cars becoming safer. Some of the planned enhancements involve introduction of the Q6 child, Q10 ...
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2012 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Parameteridentifikation für das GISSMO Schädigungsmodell
Bei der Verbesserung der Vorhersagegenauigkeit von Crashsimulationen gab es in den letzten Jahren enorme Fortschritte im Hinblick auf die Beschreibung von Rissbildung und Rissfortschritt. Dies kann mit Hilfe einer konsistenten ...
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2012 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Automation of multidisciplinary model using Primer integrated with TeamCenter
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems are now becoming wellestablished, at least as a structured and versioncontrolled storage system for CAD data, and are now starting to be used to store CAE data too. The challenge is to ...
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2012 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Use of *INTERFACE_SPRINGBACK to Precondition Beams for Impact Analyses
The *INTERFACE_SPRINGBACK card allows LS-DYNA to conveniently export deformed geometry, member stresses and effective plastic strains from one analysis run to another. This facilitates the use of inexpensive implicit analyses to ...
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2012 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum