Integrative Crash Simulation of Composite Structures - the Importance of Process Induced Material Data
The first part of this talk deals with integrative simulation, its motivation, fiber orientation in filling processes, material modelling as well as the influence of fiber orientation tensor. The second part includes simulation ...
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2005 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
20 Years of Crash Simulation at Opel - Experiences for Future Challenge
About 20 years ago, the first full vehicle crash simulations were performed at Opel. Since then, the rapid development of all simulation tools as well as the tremendously increased computer power have established the capability to ...
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2005 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Materialtheorie am Beispiel eines Elastomerwerkstoffes
The object of the theory of materials is the mathematical modelling of the material behaviour on the basis of general principles and systematic methods. To this end, experiments have to be performed on appropriate specimen. Before ...
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2005 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Recent Developments in LS-DYNA
This talk gives an overview of the latest developments in LS-DYNA including new features in version 971, recent developments in ALE and EFG, LS-Prepost as well as gives a short insight in the future versions 971 and 980.
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2005 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
SCRIPTO A New Tool for Customizing LS-PREPOST
This talk gives an overview of the basics of SCRIPTO which is a tool for customizing LS-PREPROST. The C-Parser, Events, the scripting API, user groups and much more will be dicussed in details throughout the talk.
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2006 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Latest Features in LS-PREPOST
This talk presents the current status of LS-Prepost new features in General functions Geometry and Meshing Pre-Processing Post-processing Metal Forming Interface Scripto Current and future developments
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2006 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Modelling / Process Integration
Model Sizes in Implicit and Explicit Calculations
This talk introduces into the topic of different mesh sizes in complex structures and the analysis of the results of different calculations. It concludes with a summary and an outlook of future developments.
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2006 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Modelling / Process Integration
BatchMeshing and CAE Data Management as Key Technologies for Six Sigma Compliant CAE Processes for LS-DYNA Simulations
The effort to achieve a six sigma process is one of the important ongoing quality assurance activities at many companies. This means that from one million produced products only 3.4 error possibilities occur in manufacturing. Six ...
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2006 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Modelling / Process Integration
Efficient CAE data and process management, for virtual product development and verification, in LS-DYNA simulations
In modern automotive industry, the distance between conceptual design and production consists of an ever increasing number of CAE-cycles that involve the collection / manipulation of huge amount of diverse data. In addition, the ...
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2006 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Modelling / Process Integration
Multi Disciplinary Optimization of a Bonnet Considering Crash, and Static Loads
Located in
2006 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Modelling / Process Integration