More Realistic Virtual Prototypes by means of Process Chain Optimisation
This paper is concerned with closing a gap in the process chain of metal forming. Tools for simulating the metal forming process like LS-DYNA® produce output geometries and stress information which cannot be easily re-imported in ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Metal Forming
Process optimised FEA- Calculation for Hydroforming Components
Since the beginning of the 90s Finite Element Analysis (FEA) Forming Simulation has gained importance in design and realization of hydroformed components [1]. It has been used in process design from the first layout to serial ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Metal Forming
Influence of the Effect of Strain Rates on Springback in Aluminum 2024 (ISO AlCu4Mg1)
Forming of aluminum sheets in T-temper is a much sought after industrial process, especially in the aircraft industry. However, the success of this process largely hinges on the ability to predict springback accurately. Aluminum ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Metal Forming
“Forming to Crash” Simulation in Full Vehicle Models
Improving the accuracy of virtual prototypes helps to shorten product development times and reduces the number of physical prototypes required. One way in which the accuracy of crash analysis can be improved is to include the effects ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Metal Forming
Application of Dynamic Explicit in the Simulation of Superplastic Forming
Superplastic forming process has been a standard manufacturing process in aircraft industry and its applications in other industries are increasing. Superplasticity is utilised in forming parts which can not be produced technically or ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Metal Forming
Newly Developed Capabilities of DYNAFORM Version 5.0
Over the past two decades, the finite element analysis (FEA) has emerged as one of the most important engineering tools in the many industries, due to its flexibility and accuracy in prediction. Nowadays, it is widely used in sheet ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Metal Forming
Simulation of the forming process of the Metal-Plastic-Metal sheets
Metal-Plastic-Metal (MPM) sheets consists of two metal sheets bonded together by a thin polymer layer. Modelling this sheet structure with a single shell element gives a too stiff response. The large shear deformation in the polymer ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Metal Forming
Sheet Metal Forming: Spring-back of hydro mechanical deep drawn parts
Active hydro mechanical forming (AHMF) has been developed in order to meet the demand of the automotive industry for economical production of sheet metal parts with more individuality in small lot sizes. Conventional deep drawing of ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Metal Forming
Finite Element Analysis of Stresses Due to Normal and Sliding Contact Conditions on an Elastic Surface
Wear prediction necessitates the investigation of elastic stresses developed in the workpiece material due to impact and sliding of abrasive particles in tribological contact situations. LS-Dyna implicit finite element analysis is used ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Metal Forming
Stress Analysis of Connector Pin Produced by Reverse Stamping Process with LS-DYNA Numerical Simulation and Comparison to Experiments
The conventional progressive stamping process used in producing connector pin makes the pin-shift from side to side due to elastic recovery reffered to springback phenomenon. As the solution of this problem, the reverse stamping ...
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2003 Europäische LS-DYNA Konferenz
Metal Forming