Test Based Modeling Approaches for Vehicle Cooling Modules
This paper presents different modeling techniques to verify and validate the local and global structural deformation for the radiator package and cooling modules. The verification and calibration work for the investigated numerical ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Recent Developments in LS-DYNA – II
This second part of the talk "Recent Developments in LS-DYNA" gives further insight into recent developments in LS-DYNA.
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
CAE-Entwicklung und Absicherung
Product development is actually aiming a clear strategy: increasing the product variety and decreasing cost and duration of development process. One of the major facts regarding time and costs are the prototype generations for ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Intel High-Performance Computing Technologies for Engineering
This talk gives an insight into the latest developments of Intel and HPC as well as gives an outlook of further developments.
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Methoden und Prozesse zur Kostensenkung Ein Status der Wandlungen im Fahrzeugentwicklungsprozess durch CAE-Methoden
The use of simulations now means that extensive savings can be made in the design and development processes in the automotive industry. Preventive and error-controlling effects to increase the efficiency and improvement of design ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Weiterentwicklung der Umformsimulation für Stahlwerkstoffe – Konsequenzen für den Anwender
Sheet material development for automotive applications led to new steel concepts and grades during the last two decades. Especially new high strength steel grades combine the needs of strength, ductility and formability based on a ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Aspekte der Simulation Blechumformung im industriellen Umfeld.
Der Vortrag gibt eine Einführung in die Aspekte der Simulation zur Blechumformung im industriellen Umfeld, als auch Anforderungen an die Umformtechnik und den Werkzeugbau. Weitere Themen sind die virtuelle Absicherung, Anwenderprofile ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Airbag Simulation with LS-DYNA Past – Present – Future
During the last decade the simulation of the airbag deployment process has become a standard application of explicit finite element codes. At the beginning of the development the focus was to capture the influence and improve the ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Chances and Challenges by Detailed Occupant Crash Simulation Models
This talk gives an introduction in the latest trends in occupant crash simulation. Main topics of this talk are model validation, examples of system analyses and hardware and software requirements of occupant crash simulation. It ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum
Modelling of Adhesive Bonding in Crash Simulation
This talk presents FEM modelling of adhesives and discusses its numerical aspects, pyshical behavior and possible material models in detail. KS2 specimen tests, T-component tests and full car crash tests are discussed in this talk, ...
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2007 Deutsches LS-DYNA Forum